about W O R D

a polaroid collaboration, 2 years in the making...

each month, the 2 jens would alternate picking a word, which was then interpreted with a polaroid image. at the end of the month, they would post the images online on their blogs, and marvel at the uncanny similarities.

now their collaboration is available in print form.

only 500 copies will be printed.

about jen s
jen lives in saint paul, minnesota. you can find her most evenings in her dining room, creating handmade books and goods while enjoying a bottle of wine. she blogs 5 days a week at paintedfishstudio.com.

about jen v
jen lives in portland, oregon. she enjoys spending time creating in her new studio and dreaming about when polaroid film will once again be available to the masses. she blogs when she can at scissorspaperglue.typepad.com.

W O R D is published by painted fish studio press.


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